Wise Health Whiz introduces, in an easy to understand way, the principles, concepts and guidelines applicable to Personal Health. It describes and explains Knowledge and presents the process by which similar principles can be easily implemented on a personal level to attain the desired level of health and optimize mind and body performance.
Wise Health Whiz explores the many ways the body and the mind function, respond and adapt to the various demands of modern life and society. It explains the impact of different factors on health: the environment, stress, new technologies, pollution, toxins, diseases, and lifestyles...
Wise Health Whiz has been prepared to help all the people who want to take charge of their well being and accomplish positive actions to obtain and maintain good health. This sector has been developed by a team of professionals in the fields of medicine, alternative therapies, communications and administration.
The Wise Health Whiz library can be used to develop an individual's potential.

You are a business manager, an entrepreneur, an administrator, a teacher or a student that need to demystify the following subjects, explore our KNOW-HOW Catalogue of KNOWLEDGE.

The Catalogue is comprised of 50 health subjects.

Chemicals, Internal, Food, Nutrition, Organic, etc.
Cardio-vascular, Crush Injury, Emergency, Infections, etc.
Aging, Fitness, Haire Care, Sexuality, Women Health, etc.
Maintain, Prevent Diseases, Fitness Injuries, etc.
In a Lexicon of terms
Diets, Mental health, Stress on us, Spiritual Health, etc.

Inorganic chemicals in foods could be of natural origin or added during production or processing.
Our body has to maintain a stable internal environment of physical and chemical parameters to allow proper functioning of its component cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
" You are what you eat"
The major sources of organic contaminants in a food are due to extensive use of pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, etc.) in agriculture.

SHOCK is a life-threatening and deteriorating condition, and one that does not allow a casualty to recover without active medical intervention
When a bone is broken, or fractured?
Epilepsy is due to abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

About one-third of Americans between age 65 and 74 and one-half of those age 85 and older have hearing problems.
If you're under 35 and in good health, you don't need to see a doctor before beginning an exercise program.
Safer sex and birth control are totally separate issues.
Nutrition is a process by which the living human organism is maintained in it's normal condition of life and growth.

Major injuries can be recognized by their attendant signs and symptoms, and treatment can be provided as required.
How personal behaviors relate to health and well-being and how these behaviors can be modified if necessary to promote achievement of health goals throughout life.
How to develop a practice of injury prevention and safety?
How to handle injuries
Role and function of immune system in disease prevention

There are innumerable types of diets that circulate in offices, beauty parlors, the local gym, and popular magazines. These diets are almost always nutritionally unbalanced with a long-term success rate of approximately zero.
What is mental health?
What is physical health?
What is spiritual health?
What we can do to reduce harmful influence of stress on us
What is Evolution?