Who Will Use Nosco Knowledge and Why?

From the corporate standpoint, there are several driving factors that are at the forefront of the Training/Learning technology movement, including:

Remaining at the leading edge of your industry: Efficient training allows a company to acquire and maintain a leading edge over its competitors.

Keeping Business Skills Up-to-Date: Today’s workforce has to process more information in a shorter amount of time. Training managers feel the urgency to deliver knowledge and skills more rapidly and efficiently whenever and wherever needed. Just-in-time training becomes a critical element to organizational success.

Improving Employee Performance and Retention:  Business managers realize that corporations that offer ongoing education and training enjoy the benefits of a better-skilled workforce and a higher rate of employee retention.

Cutting Training Cost:  Organizations can no longer afford to maintain high training budgets with extensive travel and lodging expenses. Furthermore, time spent away from the job, traveling or sitting in a classroom, greatly reduces per-employee productivity and revenue.

Increasing Flexibility: Globalization, competition, and labor shortages cause employees to work longer, harder, and travel more. At the same time, these workers require more independence and responsibility within their job environment. Modern training methods need to reflect these changes work lifestyle.

The knowledge management solution from Nosco Knowledge enables to get employees, partners, and suppliers rapidly up-to-speed and aligned on business goals.

It Maximizes Employee Productivity and Budgets
Reduces training travel, facilities, and telecommunication costs;
Compresses new employee training time from weeks to days;
Reaches more people with training and events for hundreds;
Empowers employees to share knowledge as subject matter experts;
Interacts with remote employees and partners more frequently to foster loyalty.
It Delivers "What I Need, When I Need It"
Just-in-time access to information;
Provides training as needed to those who need it;
Maps specific knowledge to individual needs, in order to create personalized learning programs for each user;
Provide users with access to a complete knowledge repository.
Nosco Knowledge is a Multi-Language System
Support for 4 languages (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese): employees can view login instructions in the language of their choice;
Reference libraries of training materials and recorded training sessions are made available in the preferred languages of employees, increasing learning effectiveness.
It Ensures Enterprise-Wide Competency
Delivers communications corporate-wide quickly, to respond to industry news;
Rolls out initiatives more efficiently through the whole enterprise;
Assesses and responds to employee competencies and knowledge gaps rapidly.
And, the Nosco Knowledge comprehensive and consolidated system is available at a very affordable price for enterprises of all sizes!

The Nosco Knowledge management solution - a Unique Business Opportunity

The Knowledge Management Advantage

The Nosco Knowledge Advantage is a combination of unique strengths that Nosco Knowledge can offer as a strategic learning system. Organizations need a partner, not a vendor, to effectively implement e-Learning and Knowledge Management. The team behind Nosco Knowledge is a logical partner.

Simply stated, Nosco Knowledge offers corporations a state-of-the-art Learning Infrastructure that customizes training for individuals and entire organizations, while the Learning Experience ensures that knowledge is delivered in a fast, effective way. By combining the Learning Infrastructure and Learning Experience, Nosco Knowledge delivers measurable business results. In short, Nosco Knowledge offers companies a comprehensive e-Learning solution that provides a seamlessly integrated and complete learning experience from a single, well coordinated source.

The Developers of the Nosco Knowledge System

WebTechManagement, a leading solutions organization providing business development project management, project and quality management, e-learning production and coaching, Web and IS products, services and support has design and developed Nosco Knowledge.

WebTechManagement’s clients operate across diverse markets and industries including telecommunications, computer sciences, financial services, energy and utilities, distribution and transportation and the public sector.